I just don't know what to start with, i have a couple of things that i want to share, after finally getting the sewing machine out to make the cupcake tea cozy, i have been on a sewing mission, making bags.
Then there are the Giant Buttons that i have had especially made by Brian Morris a fellow Makker, that are just yummmy fabulous. I have taken some photos of the Mugdock Makkers Gallery that i am a member of and i want to start introducing you to some of the other talented members as there is such variety of crafts and art in the gallery. Ok lets start with the buttons and bags.
After making the tea cozy i have been on a bit of a sewing frenzy making bags. The need to make bags all started with the Giant wooden buttons that i had custom made, for anyone else out there who loves buttons you will understand how cool and exciting this was. I have had 6 samples made and i love them all, they are hand turned and not only look amazing but feel great too. They will be appearing in my shops soon on bags and on books and maby i will have some to sell too (not 100% sure about that yet though.)
This one is Laburnum
These have great shapes.

The largest is 9cm Diameter and the smallest is 7cm diameter, and once they arrived i had to make something to put one on so i made a bag.
The outside is a linen and cotton mix from Ikea and the inside is a cream cotton,

I have listed the bag in my Folksy shop so that i am not tempted to use it, i really like it, i think i will have to make a similar one.
I then proceeded to make three more bags, this leafy one with neon felt accent. I also made a plain version of this bag to put another of the buttons on.
Then while looking through my fabric stash i found a bag of samples and they just sang out to me, PATCHWORK BAG patchwork bag and that is what i did.
I love this bag too the colours are really good together considering it was a bag of random samples and i used the whole bag and didn't really do any planning. I'm not sure if this will make into one of my shops or if i will just have to use it.
Introduction to the Mugdock Makkers Gallery Coming soon!