I have been trawling the charity shops, thrift sores and boot sales looking for board games, annuals, sheet music and anything else that looks like it might make an interesting book cover. I have been busy cutting, sticking and stitching to make the first in the new collection.
Cluedo anyone?
I have used the board and the weapons on the cover, when you open the book you get a nice surprise to find some of the cards and slips from the game.

Cluedo not your game, what about monopoly?
inside this little book you will find cards relating to the piece of the board used for the covers and some money (not real cash! Just the monopoly money, sorry!)

You can find Dennis and friends on the cover and inside these books.

Sheet music covered books, these particular ones are flute music.

I took some samples of these to a women into business networking event where I met a lovely coffee shop owner who wanted sell them from her shop. The entire collection is there at the moment, but i will be making more to sell in my online shop, look out for them arriving soon.
If you are in Glasgow and are passing Charing Cross why not pop into I full coffee and visit my books, while you are there relax with a coffee and if they have the banana bread you should definitely try a piece it is delicious!
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