The day started with lucy and katy going for a look round say no to plastic and granny would be proud vintage/craft fairs and then going for lunch in Oran Mor, the lunch was yummmmmmmy and very good value. We had chips and .........

haggis balls we also had nachos but by the time i got my camera out they were half eaten and the pic looked terrible.

After a delicious lunch we headed across the road to the botanical gardens where we had just missed another craft fair so we went into the Kibble Palace.
First stop there was the room with the carnivorous plants, i didn't see and venus fly traps but there were some other amazing plants and a spider.
I love the super macro on my camera, i think it might be my favourite thing about my
Fuji S602z.

Again with the super macro, look at the detail, the hairs look a bit like loads of rows of teeth just waiting for an unsuspecting insect. the colours are great, that might be because i am going through a bit of a green and pink rhubarb phase at the moment and these fit in nicely with that, i have just received an order of ribbon and buttons from Big Fish with a load of these colours in it, they are gorgeous, piccys of that soon .

I found this beautiful and a little erie at the same time, too many horror movies perhaps!

The next room had lots of these plants in different colours, these may be inspiring a new project!

the sign said they were called Aeonium, i know this because the sign was in one of the pictures, i would have never remembered that.

I say it again I Love Super Macro!

Tried to take a photograph of the gold fish, while trying to get a good photo i got a great sense of how amazing the brain and eyes are. The camera took a photo of the water the way it sees it, i couldn't get a good shot of the fish the way i could see them, i could focus in on the fish and not the reflection on the water and see the fish as clear as day (as clear as you could in that water) but the camer focused on it all!
Anyway, i really like this one, the colour and shapes of fish and the reflections look really good too.

The outside of the Kibble Palace, from the side.

Not sure what these ducks are, not the normal ducks i have seen in the past here!

These are the ducks i usually see, not these ones specifically but maybe a cousin!

Katy in the tunnel, you get a great echo in here but you cant catch that on camera.

Katy on a wall with another bridge in the background and a church, more of that in a moment.

Here we go this is the Kelvin Stevenson Memorial Church.

Well i know that that was quite a few photos, i hope to bring you more tomorrow and catch up with the rest of the challenge so far. I have some fuzzy pics from the 3DS preview at the lighthouse and The Life Craft valentine craft fair.
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